My name is Fin Wang and I am a designer on the Ecosystem squad.
This is my WFH setup:
1. Plants. A little orchid and a whale fin snake plant. I would put more here if only my desk were bigger!
2. Video game stuff. This corner was my partner’s gaming station. Actually, it still is, at night and on the weekend.
3. Crayfish. A realistic crayfish model that I put together during the lockdown. Every single part is movable!
4. Notebook. Also a Muji pen, which is my all-time favorite. I like thinking with pen and paper.
5. Coffee mug. An old mug that I bought from a thrift store, reminding me to stand up and get hydrated. I like that it says “Welcome!” on it.
My name is Hoda Abdolrazek and I am the Product Manager for Hardware Shop.
This is my WFH setup:
1. My “desk.” It’s actually an old vanity I repurposed and put in my living room.
2. My insulated water bottle. It keeps my water nice and cool and is a gentle reminder to #stayhydrated.
3. My yoga mat. Fun fact, my studio went 100% virtual and I typically take a class during lunch—having the mat nearby gives me #noexcuses! I lost over 15 pounds during quarantine.
4. AirPods Pro. These make calls a lot easier when there’s tons of background noise from outside because I’m right by the patio.
5. A photo of my mom, sisters, and myself from my brother’s wedding. I recently picked this up from my desk in the Oakland office and it’s nice to have my family “close by.”
My name is Todd Bennings and I am a product designer for SPOS/Customer Marketing.
This is my WFH setup:
1. Vinyl. You can always buy me more as a gift.
2. Plant. Japanese money tree.
3. Desktop. Art by Calida Garcia Rawles and the Outkast Mural in Atlanta by @jeks_nc.
4. Art bin. Houses tools of a past me when I thought I was an artist.
5. Paul McCobb chair. For you Midcentury nerds out there.
My name is Sarah Smyth and I lead research for SPOS and Customers products.
This is my WFH setup:
1. Repurposed bar table. I’ve taken over what used to be the cocktail corner in my kitchen/dining nook.
2. Office equipment. I brought most of my setup from the office home in March to make things feel as “normal” as possible.
3. Homemade cold brew. I’ve been experimenting with different beans to jazz things up. Currently enjoying a French roast/hazelnut combo.
4. Japan souvenirs. From a research trip in January!
5. Orchid plant. I managed to keep it in bloom for about four months but alas, it is no more.
My name is Laurah Mwirichia and I am a product writer on the Risk team.
This is my WFH setup:
1. LED 6-mode desk lamp. To transition from “corporate fluorescent” to “cozy writing nook” in three clicks.
2. Star Trek coffee mug. RIP Leonard Nimoy.
3. Cactus. I have 48 plants at home. I pick one unlucky one a week to sit at my desk and pretend it’s my coworker (hi, Greg!).
4. Small speaker. “Coffee shop sound effects” is my favorite background noise playlist. 10/10.
5. Dining table chair. The rolling office chair I ordered on Amazon was awful, so I’m back to using the dining table chair.
My name is Jaeha Yoo and I am a design lead on Payroll.
This is my WFH setup:
1. iPad and keyboard. My perpetual distraction machine. The Apple pencil is an expensive nod to a distant past in which I drew things.
2. Obligatory succulent. It is what it is.
3. Fossilized horse tooth/prehistoric menagerie. Don’t ask.
4. The horror.
5. Wobbly stool. Supposed to aid in focus and physical health. Debatable.
6. Pulse oximeter. Only the paranoid survive.
My name is Ani Espejo and I am a producer for the Production Design team.
This is my WFH setup:
1. ACNH switch. On and idle for the pleasant background music except when my islanders run up to me to chat. Almost like I’m in the office.
2. Self-care station. Water, hand cream, lip balm, and face masks ALL DAY. Stay hydrated, people.
3. Pusheen mouse pad. I like cute things.
4. Background plants. This room’s a faux greenhouse with all the electronics in here so my plants are thriving.
5. T2 shipper box. If we’re ever on Hangouts together, you’ll see my Square hardware setup to verify UI.
My name is Daeus Jorento and I am a product analyst on the Ecosystem Onboarding team.
This is my WFH setup:
1. Ergo setup. Keyboard, mouse, monitor, puzzles for optimal eye height alignment, webcam so I don’t have to open my laptop for meetings.
2. Window for the soul.
3. Headphones, notepad, planner, gum, water. Same as at the office.
4. Chair for sitting.
5. Other chair for feet.
My name is Madelyn Lee and I am a brand lead on Capital.
This is my WFH setup:
1. Ikea lamp. I get decent light in the Mission, but some extra light helps me focus.
2. Oat milk coffee. Daily dosage of essential joy.
3. Retrofitting construction week 22…
4. Past life. I need a Square screen print.
5. Yes, I was a dining table.
My name is Teemu Luoma and I’m the product design lead for Savings.
This is my WFH setup:
1. More comfortable than you think!
2. Muji diffuser with Aesop Anouk Oil Burner Blend.
3. Luxo L-1 desk lamp.
4. Massive monstera keeping me company.
5. Terribly backlit (sidelit?) in the morning, but wonderful for the rest of the day!
My name is Jennifer Bonilla and I am a project manager for print on the Studio team.
This is my WFH setup:
1. High-tech, fifth edition monitor riser. Functional and informative.
2. Notebook with cat ears. For both a cat lover and a Luddite.
3. Desktop background of my cat. She’s like 10 feet away, but I don’t get sick of looking at her.
4. Comfy chair. Adjustable arms are key.
5. Keepsakes. Mystery box! I don’t even know what’s in here.
My name is Simon Oboler and I am a product marketing manager for the Point of Sale and Payments teams.
This is my WFH setup:
1. Sony headphones. Noise-cancelling headphones when sharing a room with a partner on calls all day is a necessity.
2. Drink bottle. Gotta stay hydrated and there’s no better colour than orange.
3. Hand sanitizer. Covid, ’nuff said.
4. Artwork. First gift from my nephew, hand painted—and possibly feet painted, too.
5. Glasses cloth. Needs to be used surprisingly often throughout the day despite limited movement.
My name is AK Matthews and I design for Prices - Subscriptions and Pricing.
This is my WFH setup:
1. An always-present kid toy. Pro tip: keep them handy in case you need to play “fetch” to get the kids out of view.
2. Coca-Cola. Sometimes coffee. Sometimes water. Always Coke.
3. The woods, pool, and lake that everyone else in the house is enjoying while I work.
4. Plants!
5. Stack of art that made the trip from LA. Once we eventually get settled, we’ll find a home for them.
My name is Mac Cormier and I’m the design lead for Business Banking.
This is my wfh setup:
1. iPad - I draw non-work related things sometimes, but mostly it’s my dedicate Spotify machine.
2. Miir camp mug - I carry it around all day every day. In the morning it’s probably coffee, by late afternoon it’s a smoothie.
3. Tolix stool - My back hates this stool, but my industrial a e s t h e t i c won’t let me use anything else.
4. Printing workbench - I refuse to get a real desk and acknowledge that I don’t mainly use this corner for linoleum carving and block printing.
5. Bikes bikes bikes - If I’m not on Slack, it’s because I’m on a bike
My name is Vincent Liu and I am a product marketing manager on the Customers and Point of Sale team.
This is my WFH setup:
1. Couch chaise. I sit here when I get tired or bored of sitting at my dining table where I work. The chaise is for lounging so this is where I plug in my headphones and enter solo work mode. And watch Netflix.
2. Lap desk. So that the MacBook doesn’t sit directly on my lap.
3. My kid’s stuff. We have a newborn baby so her things are scattered throughout the house. You can see her music cube, giraffe chew toy, high chair, and another multi-colour chew toy in the back. You can also see her leg in the bottom left of the second photo.
4. Things to read. The book and TIME magazine that I am currently reading.
My name is Jessica Gray and I design for Invoices.
This is my WFH setup:
1. Surrounding plants. Slowly creating a jungle.
2. Wrecking Ball oat milk latte. My new daily routine to get fresh air and coffee (the essence of life?).
3. As much light as possible. Keeps me happy and focused.
4. AirPods. Necessary when working from home with my fiance. I need music to get me in the zone.
5. Eero Saarinen tulip chair, more for aesthetics than function. I should probably get a real desk chair.